We’re thrilled to welcome SULLALUNA‘s next guest, Daniel Perkins, also known as TOM TOMORROW.
It will be an informal chat about his art, his work as a cartoonist, his views on journalism and the media, and current events. He will be joined by Marina Catucci, his friend and correspondent in the United States for the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto.
Don’t miss this opportunity, and … show them some love!

Tom Tomorrow (Dan Perkins) is the creator of the political cartoon, This Modern World, which started out in the world of alternative weeklies (including the Village Voice) in the ‘90s, and has now outlived most of them. He is a recipient of various awards, including the RFK Journalism Award (on two occasions) and the Herblock Prize, and was a Pulitzer finalist in 2015. He has published a dozen books, including a thousand page career retrospective which raised $310,000 in funding through Kickstarter, and once collaborated with the band Pearl Jam to create the artwork for their album Backspacer. He lives in New York City.